Sunday, July 18, 2010

God is in the Details...or in the Numbers

Here is how Mission on the Bay has served the Gulf Coast since Hurricane Katrina came ashore on August 29, 2005:
-60,000 people have been hosted here
-$15,000,000 in cash donations have been received
-$40,000,000 in volunteer services have been received
-550 homes have been built
-5,000 properties have been cleared

-5,000 families in the area still have unmet housing needs
-it is very hard for families to get insurance
-it costs more money to build now than it did pre-Katrina
-people in the area have seen a lot of contractor fraud
-it is hard to ask for help
-people down here are emotionally, spiritually and physically exhausted

Unfortunately, at the end of August 2010 Mission on the Bay and Camp Victor, both operated by Lutheran Episcopal Services of Mississippi, will be closed down.

Indeed, the reality of our camps closing is an occasion for sadness. We wish it were not the case -- not for our clients, for our staff, for the communities we serve nor for YOU, our volunteers! Having been the recipient of generous grants from ERD, LDR and countless donations for the first two to three years after the Storm, those monies have become but a trickle. The time that has lapsed since Katrina, the downturn in the economy and the reality of other disasters, including the BP Oil Spill, have played significant roles in drawing funds in different directions. Thus, the fiscal responsibility has surpassed our abilities and our current economy does not show signs of relenting.
-Mission on the Bay & Camp Victor Ministries

Where did you see God today? As Tori K. pointed out, we are thankful to God that we have been given the chance to serve as one of the last groups through this ministry.

Let's see what 40 Minnesotans can do!

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