Sunday, July 18, 2010

Finding God Where You Least Expect Him

If you were to combine the trips together that Pastor Shelley, Bus Driver Earl and I have taken you would come up with a fairly large number; however, today marked a first for the 3 of us and for the other 37 passengers - worship on the bus. We may not have been home worshiping at Zumbro, but today we were reminded that "where two or three gather in my name, there I am among them" (Matthew 18:20).

We praised God in song,

we heard the Word of God,

we prayed,

and we celebrated communion together.

At one point I looked up from the music and was amazed by the beautiful scenery we were surrounded by. While we may have been traveling down the interstate (Hwy 55 in MS to be precise), we were looking out at the sun shining down upon God's great creation. As I was taking in the moment, a big semi pulled alongside us and rudely interrupted my view. But after just one second I read the words printed on the side of the bus. "Another one of God's blessings." God's blessings. They were surrounding us. Minutes earlier I had just heard Kirsten S. share a message reminding us that sometimes God shows up when we least expect Him to. I certainly wasn't expecting to be reminded of God's love by the semi that interrupted my view...but that is what being on the look out for God is all about. Keeping your eyes open so that you can see where He is all around you. May you all find God today where you least expect to see Him.

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