Wednesday, July 21, 2010

a note from madeline y. and alice z.

Today we journeyed several miles to a swampy environmental habitat to experience the great outdoors. Not only did we see small kittens and large wasps but also Big Al and One Eyed Jackie. One may ask, “What are Big Al and One Eyed Jackie?” One may answer dogs, but they would be false. Big Al and OEJ are alligators that roam the depths (4 feet) of the Pearl River. We tossed marshmallows at the alligators to call them to us because they move towards movement. It was cool and also a bit scary to see them chow down the marshmallows. Towards the end of the tour we found ourselves eating more marshmallows than the alligators. The marshmallows were delicious but strangely tasted like bug spray, the most reasonable explanation for the taste was probably from the endless amounts of bug spray some people were spraying. It was a beautiful evening but it turned sad because it was the last night we would be able to spend with Lisa this mission trip. We are going to miss her laughter and presence throughout the rest of the trip. It definitely won’t feel complete without her.

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