Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Our View of the BP Oil Spill

Yesterday as we drove to and from our work sites we had a chance to see up close some of the reality of the Gulf oil spill. This first picture shows the oil workers that we saw walking the beach all day. A local tells us that the workers (the ones with the yellow vests on) are local fishermen that are out of work and have now been hired by BP to monitor the beaches for oil washing up on the beach. They carried large white garbage bags with them and canvassed the shoreline.

This next picture doesn't show much...and that's the point. We drove along Long Beach for miles yesterday and saw just one person set up with her umbrella in the white sand. The beach and the view is beautiful, but there is nobody here to enjoy it. The impact of the Gulf oil spill reaches far beyond the impact on water and sea life, it's having a significant impact on the economy of the region, only now starting to recover now from Katrina.

We looked to our left and saw the foundations from where houses and buildings were before Katrina. We looked to our right and saw the empty beaches as a result of the oil spill.

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